002-Account Settings

Account settings in QBO determine the default behaviors.

  1. Switch Between Views: Click the cog wheel in top right corner > Switch to Accountant View or Switch to Business View from Bottom of dropdown box.

  2. Access Account Settings:
    1. Goto cog wheel > Account and Settings from the menu.
    2. Navigate to different categories of settings from the left panel of the Account Settings window.
  3. Enable Expense Tracking by Customer:
    1. In the Account and Settings window, > Expenses from the left panel.
    2. Click the pencil icon to edit the settings.
    3. Enable Track expenses and items by customer and Save the changes.
  4. Update Company Information:
    1. In the Account and Settings window, > Company from the left panel.
    2. Click the pencil icon to edit the company name and address.
    3. Start typing the address, select it from the suggested list, or enter it manually.
    4. Save the changes and click Done to exit.
  5. Verify Settings Changes:
    1. Return to the Expenses window, add expense manually, and check if the customer field is available.
    2. Confirm that the updated company name and address appear correctly on the dashboard and in forms/reports.

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