002-Account Settings
Account settings in QBO determine the default behaviors.
Switch Between Views: Click the
cog wheel
in top right corner >Switch to Accountant View
orSwitch to Business View
from Bottom of dropdown box. - Access Account Settings:
- Goto
cog wheel
>Account and Settings
from the menu. - Navigate to different categories of settings from the left panel of the Account Settings window.
- Goto
- Enable Expense Tracking by Customer:
- In the
Account and Settings
window, >Expenses
from the left panel. - Click the pencil icon to edit the settings.
- Enable
Track expenses and items by customer
the changes.
- In the
- Update Company Information:
- In the
Account and Settings
window, >Company
from the left panel. - Click the pencil icon to edit the company name and address.
- Start typing the address, select it from the suggested list, or enter it manually.
the changes and clickDone
to exit.
- In the
- Verify Settings Changes:
- Return to the
window, add expense manually, and check if the customer field is available. - Confirm that the updated company name and address appear correctly on the dashboard and in forms/reports.
- Return to the